A. 勘探孔深度对条形基础不应小于基底宽度的3倍,且不应小于5m
B. 控制性勘探孔的深度应超过地基变形计算深度
C. 有软弱下卧层时应适当加深控制性勘探孔的深度
D. 当在规范规定的深度内遇到厚层碎石土或基岩时,勘探孔的深度可适当调整
The house is furnished ______; there is nothing showy or cheap in it.
A.of style
B.with style
C.out of style
D.in style
Having been ______ work for nearly three months, the poor fellow has little money left now to buy himself food.
A. off
B. back to
C. at
D. out of
A. 军事
B. 社会
C. 政治
D. 经济
He is very ______ his children and permits them few privileges.
A.hard against
B.hard on
C.hard with
D.hard to