While in drydock your vessel will be belt-gauged.This process involves().
A. measuring the thickness of the tail shaft liner
B. taking the vessel's offsets to check for hull deformation
C. testing and examining the anchor cables for defective links
D. drilling or sonic-testing the hull to determine the plate thickne
A. 行政机关执法人员在进行调查时应当出示县级以上人民政府出具的检查证明文件
B. 在证据可能灭失的情况下,经行政机关负责人批准,可以先行登记保存证据
C. 行政机关在收集证据时,可以采取抽样取证的方法
D. 行政机关执法人员进行检查应当 制作笔录