A. 人民
B. 互联网+
C. 信息化
D. 网络
材料一:一拥而入的拆迁队、张牙舞爪的挖掘机、欲哭无泪的被拆迁户与孤注一掷的钉子户……,伴随着大拆大建的开发浪潮,商业利益裹挟着公共利益、拆迁队裹挟着公权力汹涌而来,注定以诸多极端事件为代价收场。 材料二:中央纪委、监察部近日发出通知,要求各级纪检监察机关按照十七届中央纪委第六次全会部署,切实加强对征地拆迁政策规定执行情况的监督检查,坚决制止和纠正违法违规强制征地拆迁行为。 材料三:随后,国务院办公厅发出通知,要求各地区、各有关部门要认真贯彻《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》和《国务院办公厅关于进一步严格征地拆迁管理工作切实维护群众合法权益的紧急通知》,坚决制止违法强拆行为,严肃问责,切实维护群众合法权益。 结合材料二,运用政党的有关知识,分析党中央为什么对“暴力拆迁”亮剑?
You work for a bank that uses a SQL Server 2005 database to store line items from customer banking transactions. The bank processes 50,000 transactions every day. The application requires a clustered index on the TransactionID column. You need to create a table that supports an efficient reporting solution that queries the transactions by date. What are the two ways to achieve this goal?()
A. Place a nonclustered index on the date column.
B. Add a unique clustered index on the date column.
C. Map each partition to a filegroup, with each filegroup accessing a different physical drive.
D. Create a partitioning scheme that partitions the data by date.
A. 联名卡
B. 金卡
C. 普卡
D. 个人卡