

A. 正确
B. 错误


A股份有限公司2001年度有关事项如下: (1)公司召开董事会通过以下决议: ①根据经理丙的提议解聘财务负责人甲; ②决定发行公司债券,责成董事乙准备有关发行文件报送有关部门审批。 (2)该公司注册资本5000万元人民币,2001年度税后利润3000万元。公司自成立以来没有发生亏损,已提取决法公积金累积额为2600万元。公司决定不再提取法定公积金,只提取法定公益金100万元。 (3)公司经理丙将其持有的A公司全部股份转让给丁;丙还以B公司代理人的身份从事与A公司业务同类的业务活动,从中获得利润2万元。 (4)公司以“财政部门无权对股份有限公司进行会计检查”为由,拒绝市财政局的检查。 公司经理丙将其持有的A公司股份转让给丁是否符合我国《公司法》的规定?说明理由。


You work as the exchange administrator at TestKing.com. The TestKing.com network contains an Exchange Server 2010 Organization. TestKing.com makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server messagingsolution. During the course of day you receive an instruction from the CIO to deploy two mailbox servers that willbe members of the database availability group (DAG). You are instructed to recommend a hard disk configuration for the deployed servers. However, you need to ensure that write performance is reduces aswell as stopping a switchover in the event of a single disk failure. What should you do?()

A. This can be accomplished by recommending RAID1 array.
B. This can be accomplished by recommending RAID10 array.
C. This can be accomplished by recommending RAID0.
D. This can be accomplished by recommending RAID 5 array.


A. 突出自己的个性
B. 摆正自己的位置
C. 善于调节自我心理
D. 善于控制自己的情绪
E. 具有超强的免疫力
F. 能为客人提供热情周到的服务
