A. 指在若干民族的密切交往中,一个民族自然吸收另一个民族的文化,在完全自然的、自愿的情况下逐渐改变直至最后完全丧失自己的民族特征,变成了别的民族的现象
B. 指一些民族以强制的手段把自己民族的语言、文化和风俗习惯民族特征强加于别的民族,迫使别的民族放弃原有的民族特点从而成为自己民族一部分的过程和结果
C. 落后民族以武力征服先进民族,结果征服者为被征服者所同化的现象
D. 一个民族以武力征服其他民族,并压迫和剥削其他民族的现象
Geographic range is the maximum distance at which a light may be seen under().
A. existing visibility conditions,limited only by the curvature of the Earth
B. perfect visibility conditions,limited only by the curvature of the Earth
C. existing visibility conditions,limited only by the intensity of the light
D. perfect visibility conditions,limited only by interference from background lighting