A. 非货币性交易和货币性交易的划分原则
B. 非货币性交易的类型
C. 非货币性交易定价基础
D. 非货币性交易实现的损益
E. 非货币性交易的金额
When installing the CRS software on two or more nodes in the same cluster, how do you know it is safe to start installing the next node? ()
A. Wait until the node is completely installed to start installation on the next one.
B. After you insert Disk 2.
C. A dialog box, "It is now safe to start installing the next node," appears during the installation.
D. After Windows OS is installed on the first node.
A. 农产品的贸易自由化超过工业制成品的贸易自由化
B. 工业消费品的贸易自由化超过机械设备的贸易自由化
C. 机械设备的贸易自由化超过农产品的贸易自由化
D. 机械设备的贸易自由化超过工业消费品的贸易自由化