马克思根据人的发展状况把人类历史划分为依次更替的三大社会形态。这三大社会形态是( )。
A. 自然经济社会、商品经济社会、产品经济社会
B. 无阶级社会、阶级社会、阶级消灭了的社会
C. 人的依赖性社会、物的依赖性社会、个人全面发展的社会
D. 原始公有制社会、私有制社会、共产主义公有制社会
A. 朱砂安神丸
B. 黄连温胆汤
C. 龙胆泻肝汤
D. 牛黄清心丸
E. 安神定志丸
From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean()
A. is divided into twenty-fore zones
B. is one time zone
C. is divided into five time zones
D. cannot be crossed in five days
A. 足厥阴肝经
B. 足少阳胆经
C. 手阳明大肠经
D. 足太阴脾经
E. 手厥阴心包经
We can infer from the second paragraph that ______.
A. the young generation differs from the old in their attitude toward life
B. the young generation seeks to possess more material wealth
C. the old are regretful for their past personal lives
D. the old have been trying to keep up with modern life