When the forwarder pack the goods on behalf of exporter, he should consider the( ).
A. mode of transport
B. nature of the goods
C. quantity of the goods
D. quality of the goods
A. 优先适用委托人、买受人与拍卖人事先约定的佣金比例
B. 如果委托人、买受人与拍卖人对拍卖佣金比例未约定,拍卖成交的,拍卖人可以向委托人、买受人各收取不超过拍卖成交价 5%的佣金
C. 如果委托人、买受人与拍卖人对拍卖佣金比例未约定,拍卖失败的,拍卖人可以要求委托人和所有竞买人共同承担其为拍卖支出的合理费用
D. 违反《拍卖法》关于佣金比例的规定收
Under CMR convention, the carrier is responsible for( ).
A. the acts of his agent
B. any wrongful act of the consignor
C. inherent vice of the goods
D. the act of his servants
Normally the marine bill of lading has three functions, namely( ).
A. evidence of the contract of carriage
B. a receipt of goods
C. a document of title to the goods
D. the contract of carriage
若甲、乙、丙、丁各为公司取了一个名称,其中符合法律规定的是哪几个( )某证券公司是一家经国务院证券监督管理机构审查批准的金融机构,其发起人为甲、乙、丙、丁四家国有企业。请回答第87~90题。
A. 上海环山证券有限责任公司
B. 上海环山证券股份有限公司
C. 上海968证券公司
D. 上海环山证券公司