
请你根据给定材料,针对舆论界的评论,在当前形势下,就如何弘扬崇高的精神价值谈谈自己的建议。 要求:建议合理可行,条理清晰,字数400字左右。


肝肾亏虚,胎动不安,腰膝酸软无力,当选下列何种药物( )

A. 五加皮
B. 补骨脂
C. 杜仲
D. 狗脊
E. 白术

10·24事件发生后,对长江大学大学生结梯救人的行为,有人提炼为“人梯精神”。请你概括“人梯精神”的内涵。 要求:概括准确,分析合理,语言简练,不超过300字。

输入下列文字,并设定左缩进2厘米,字间距离为加宽两磅,并以WD5.DOC为文件名保存。 在即将来临的信息时代,知识很可能将成为公司最宝贵的财产——用以获取这种知识的“企业情报”工具可能将证明对建立和保持竞争优势具有举足轻重的作用。 将上面的文字复制8次并连接成一个段落,按左缩进2厘米、右缩进-3厘米、行距为1.5倍格式排版后,以WD5A.DOC为文件名保存。 2.设计下列4行3列表格,各列的宽度是4厘米,行高为25磅,按表格内容填入相应的数据,其字体设置成Times New Roman,字号设置成五号,字体格式设置成加粗和倾斜,并以 WD5B.DOC为文件名保存。ABCAABBCCAAABBBCCCAAAABBBBCCCC 3.将WD5B.DOC文档内容复制到一个新文件中,在所拷贝表格的右侧增加一列,在新增列中填入相应的数据,变成如下所示的3行3列的表格,各列宽度改为3厘米,表格内数据的字体设置成宋体,字号设置成四号,并以WD5C.DOC为文件名保存。 ABCDAABBCCDDAAABBBCCCDDDAAAABBBBCCCCDDDD

Even plants can run a fever, especially when they’’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away-straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’’t have pest (害虫) problems. Even better, Paley’’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running "fevers"; Farmers could then spot-spray, using 40 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would. The bad news is that Paley’’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. "This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States." says George Oerther of Texas A&M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago. Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of______.

A. the desire of fanners to improve the quality of their produce
B. growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops
C. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture
D. full support from agricultural experts
