Peach Co’s latest results are as follows:
In addition, extracts from its latest statement of financial position are as follows:
What is Peach Co’s return on capital employed (ROCE)?
A. 14%
B. 18%
C. 20%
D. 25%
A company has annual after-tax cash flows of $2 million per year which are expected to continue in perpetuity. The company has a cost of equity of 10%, a before-tax cost of debt of 5% and an after-tax weighted average cost of capital of 8% per year. Corporation tax is 20%.
What is the theoretical value of the company?
A. $20m
B. $40m
C. $50m
D. $25m
Which of the following are descriptions of basis risk?
(1) It is the difference between the spot exchange rate and currency futures exchange rate
(2) It is the possibility that the movements in the currency futures price and spot price will be different
(3) It is the difference between fixed and floating interest rates
(4) It is one of the reasons for an imperfect currency futures hedge
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4 only
D. 2, 3 and 4
A. 急性出血糜烂性胃炎
B. 十二指肠球部溃疡
C. 胃癌
D. 肝硬化食管胃底静脉曲张破裂
E. 胃溃疡
男,56岁,慢性胃炎10年,高血压10年,以心前区压榨样疼痛4小时入院。入院后呕吐咖啡样物一次,黑便一次,查体:BP 24/14kPa,端坐呼吸,心率120次/分,双肺底可闻细小湿啰音,实验室检查:Hb 9、0g/dl,大便隐血++。该患者消化道出血考虑为
A. 贲门黏膜撕裂综合征
B. 急性胃黏膜病变
C. 消化性溃疡
D. 胃癌
E. 肝硬化,食管静脉曲张破裂出血