
[音频]The international Civil Aviation Organization’s spelling alphabet is also called international 1 spelling alphabet. It is widely used by pilots, air traffic controllers in the2 . In the world of aviation, spelling alphabets have no3 to phonetic transcription systems like International Phonetic Alphabet. In order to4 caused by language 5 and 6 , the ICAO 7 to the English letters, for example, Alfa for A, Bravo for B, Charlie for C. By doing so, 8 of letters can be pronounced and understood by those who 9 and receive voice message via radio or telephone. The 10of voice signals over radio links has been achieved. This is particularly important when the safety of navigation or person is essential.


下列哪一项不属于SQL Server在安装时创建的系统数据库

A. master
B. msdb
C. userdb
D. tempdb

在SQL Server的系统数据库中,存储SQL Server的所有系统信息的数据库是

A. Master
B. Model
C. Msdb
D. Tempdb

用来存储SQL Server数据库的启动信息以及部分或全部数据的数据库文件是

A. mdf文件
B. ldf文件
C. ndf文件
D. sdf

在SQL Server的系统数据库中,存储SQL Server服务信息和计划任务的数据库是

A. Master
B. Model
C. Msdb
D. Tempdb
