
What can we learn about Experimental Error from the interview?

About 24 topics have been dealt with by the interviewee.
B. Scientists can understand the humor better by it.
C. Math puns are often employed in the column.
D. Its opening was due to the interviewee"s suggestion.



A. 磺酰胺类
B. 含氮杂环类
C. 苯氧乙酸类
D. 苯并噻嗪类
E. 醛固酮类

启动Visual Basic有几种方法?


A. 又名醋酸氟美松
B. 应遮光、密封保存
C. 用氧瓶燃烧法显氟化物的反应
D. 与醇制氢氧化钾试液和硫酸共热即产生乙酸乙酯香味
E. 以上均正确

What makes the murder of six people at the temple catch peoples attention?

A. The suspect is a member of skinhead music band.
B. The case reflects the race conflict in the American Midwest.
C. The kids" response to the violent case is alarming.
D. It was related to another case which occurred 15 years ago.
