A. 连续性
B. 各系统器官发育的不平衡性
C. 顺序性
D. 个体差异
E. 阶段性
A. 发出元音
B. 发出辅音
C. 发出喉音
D. 发出“爸爸”、“妈妈”的音节
E. 能通过哭闹表达意思
Whats the broad consensus of opinion found by the panel in a draft preface to the recommendations?
A. NBAC would ask Clinton"s 90-day ban on federal funds for human cloning be extended indefinitely.
B. It is morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.
C. It is a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.
D. The research on the cloning of human DNA or cells are routine projects in molecular biology.
The word "pervasive"(Lines 1~2, Paragraph 2)might mean______.
A. widespread
B. overwhelming
C. piercing
D. fashionable
患者,男性,56岁。突然心悸,气促,咯粉红色泡沫样痰,血压195/90 mmHg,心率136次/分。应首先备好下列哪组药物
A. 毛花苷C,硝酸甘油,异丙肾上腺素
B. 硝普钠,毛花苷C,呋塞米
C. 胍乙啶,酚妥拉明,毛花苷C
D. 毒毛旋花子素K,硝普钠,普萘洛尔
E. 硝酸甘油,毛花苷C,多巴胺