
How do thermographic pictures indicate the temperatures of various parts of the body?

A. With charts and graphs.
B. With a thermometer.
C. With different colors.
D. With moving lights.


明明是______的人,只因出生于特定的日、月,被归入同一星座,便有了相似性格。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。

A. 不共戴天
B. 各奔东西
C. 同床异梦
D. 毫不相干

Greek actors had little opportunity to demonstrate their individual personalities because

A. they were just the beginners
B. nobody could see or hear clearly
C. nobody enjoyed their performances
D. they wore masks and their motions were fixed

About one-fourth of the people watching TV are doing something else at the same time.

A. True
B. False

Why are scientists now studying variations in body temperature?

A. To get a better understanding of illness.
B. To discover the side effects of thermography.
C. To find out why a body requires rest.
D. To improve the analysis of blood and tissue samples.
