How is the clearing of checks involved in two banks in the same city?
A. Through the clearing house.
By transfer of funds from one account to another.
C. Through a correspondent bank.
D. By direct exchange of checks.
懂得功成身退的人,是识______的,他知道何时保全自己,何时成就别人,以儒雅之风度来笑对______。 填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。
A. 大体 入世
B. 大体 人生
C. 时务 入世
D. 时务 人生
What's the subject of the passage?
A. Capital
B. Restrictions on banks' operations
C. Supervision
D. Capital adequacy
"Vulnerable to" in Line 3 probably means ______.
A. subject to
B. easy to be attacked by
C. of great volume
D. likely to damage
A. 贾某的行为构成作为犯罪
B. 贾某的行为构成不作为犯罪
C. 贾某违反道义义务,不构成犯罪
D. 贾某行为构成见危不救罪