Based in existentialism and the works of Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of human needs, () brought the person centered psychotherapy into mainstream focus.
A. Carl Rogers
B. John Waston
C. Freud Sigmund
D. Willism James
() is a psychotherapy based on modifying cognitions, assumptions, beliefs and behaviors, with the aim of influencing disturbed emotions.
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Humanism
D. Structuralism
The objectives of CBT typically are to identify () or () thoughts, assumptions and beliefs that are related to debilitating negative emotions and to identify how they are dysfunctional, inaccurate, or simply not helpful.
A. irrational
B. maladaptive
C. rational
D. adaptive
Strong Points of Humanistic Psychology:
A. One of the major strengths of humanistic psychology is that it emphasizes the role of the individual. This school of psychology gives people more credit in controlling and determining their state of mental health.
B. It also takes environmental influences into account. Rather than focusing solely on our internal thoughts and desires, humanistic psychology also credits the environment's influence on our experiences.
C. Humanistic psychology continues to influence therapy, education, healthcare and other areas.
D. Humanistic psychology helps remove some of the stigma attached to therapy and make it more acceptable for normal, healthy individuals to explore their abilities and potential through therapy.
Psychoanalysis is a branch of science. It has three applications:①()②()③()
A. a method of investigation of the mind;
B. a systematized body of knowledge about human behavior;
C. a method of treatment of psychological/mental or emotional illness.
D. a method for education