The Sales Department is next to the Human Resources Department翻译为“销售部在人力资源部的对面”是对的还是错的
The reception desk is in the middle of the hall on the first floor翻译为“接待前台在一楼大厅中间”是对的还是错的
A. 对
B. 错
Cross the bridge, and make a right turn翻译为“ 过了桥向右拐”是对的还是错的
A. 对
B. 错
You need to transfer at Fuxingmen翻译为“你得在复兴门转车”是对的还是错的
A. 对
B. 错
Just pass the tall building and turn to the right翻译为“走过高楼向左拐”是对的还是错的
A. 对
B. 错