
Choose the proper words in brackets to complete the following sentence.The little boy was ________ (looking/ peeping) at his mother through his fingers.


Choose the proper words in brackets to complete the following sentences.Children like to see the naughty _________ (animals/ monkeys/ elephants) in the zoo, especially after watching Journey to the West.

下列对于钢筋混凝土剪扭构件的承载力,说法不正确的是( )

A. 抗剪承载力比不受扭矩时的小
B. 抗扭承载力比纯扭时的小
C. 加大箍筋间距,对两种承载力没有影响
D. 提高混凝土强度,承载力会提高

矩形截面纯扭构件,剪应力最大值发生在( )

A. 长边中点
B. 短边中点
C. 角点
D. 截面形心点

为防止钢筋混凝土矩形截面纯扭构件发生部分超筋受扭破坏,可以采取的措施是( )。

A. 保证构件的尺寸大于最小尺寸
B. 保证配箍率大于最小配箍率
C. 使纵筋和箍筋的配筋强度比在0.6和1.7之间
D. 保证纵筋配筋率大于最小配筋率
