Six month later I was back in London again, this time as a marketing executive in a firm on the crest of the Internet wave.
A. on the verge of
B. at the peak of
C. in a habit of
D. at the foot of
I certainly wouldn't get me interviewed, but back then if I did make it to a face-to-face interview with a potential employer, I always got the role.
A. make a difference
B. make up for
C. make it out of
D. succeed in making
When it came to setting up my business, this was an invaluable lesson…
A. When referring to
B. When it arrived at
C. While it reached
D. While talking of
In work environments I craved freedom and creativity…
A. longed for
B. fought for
C. hunted for
D. called for
A. 步进电机是一种将电脉冲信号转换成相应角位移或线位移的电动机。
B. 步进电机每输入一个脉冲信号,转子就转动一个角度或前进一步,其输出的角位移或线位移与输入的脉冲数成正比,转速与脉冲频率成反比。
C. 步进电机和伺服电机都是通过脉冲控制,但其控制方式不同。
D. 步进电机输出力矩随转速升高而下降,且在较高转速时会急剧下降,一般不具有过载能力