填阿拉伯数字:In August 2003, Europe, particularly France, had one of its worst heatwaves ever. The temperature was sometimes more than degrees. Because of this, many people died. On one night, August 10th, between and people died. In total, more than people died in Europe, including in France.
数控车床与普通车床相比,在结构形式上最大不同之处在( )上。
A. 主传动系统
B. 进给系统
C. 液压系统
D. 冷却系统
数控车床X方向对刀时,车削外圆后只能沿( )向退刀并停掉主轴后,测最外径尺寸。
A. X
B. Z
C. Y
D. X.Z都可以
数控车床的转塔式刀架的结构必须具有良好的( ),承受切削力作用下的变形.
A. 硬度
B. 韧性
C. 刚度
D. 强度和刚度