词汇与结构While traditional mechanical or hydraulic control system usually fail gradually, the loss of all flight control computers could immediately _________ the aircraft uncontrollable.
A. cause
B. render
C. relay
D. hinder
词汇与结构For this reason, most fly-by-wire systems incorporate either _________ computers (triplex, quadruplex, etc.) to increase reliability, some kind of mechanical or hydraulic backup or a combination of both.
A. adequate
B. sufficient
C. redundant
D. similar
词汇与结构For this reason, most fly-by-wire systems incorporate either redundant computers to increase _________, some kind of mechanical or hydraulic backup or a combination of both.
A. ability
B. maneuverability
C. capability
D. reliability
词汇与结构The FBW controls allow the pilot freedom within the aircraft’s operating envelope, which protests against over-speeding, stalling and maintaining operation well within the aircraft’s _________ limits.
A. physical
B. mechanical
C. structural
D. electrical
词汇与结构Side-stick controllers _________ the bulky centre-mounted control columns on other aircraft, opening an unobstructed view of the instrument panel and providing for the best use of fly-by-wire flight controls.
A. eliminate
B. validate
C. facilitate
D. imitate