Q: What is the woman's dream job?
A. Gymnast.
B. Music teacher.
C. Gym teacher.
D. Math teacher.
Q: What does a dream job mean to the woman?
A job that pays a lot.
B. A job in which you get promoted.
C. A job with responsibility.
D. A job in a large company.
Q: What kind of work environment do the people want?
A fun environment.
B. A serious environment.
C. A productive environment.
D. A quiet environment.
Q: What is the type of job that would keep the man interested?
An easy job.
B. A challenging job.
C. A creative job.
D. A high-paid job.
有一堰型,堰厚为3.5米,堰上水头为0.3米,则该堰流属于( )。
A. 薄壁堰流
B. 实用堰流
C. 宽顶堰流
D. 明渠堰流