
“There is no need for me to bike with a helmet. Everyone bikes without such a helmet.”犯了哪种逻辑错误?( )

A. 仓促概括型
B. 错误原因型
C. 盲目从众型
D. 转移注意型


“Since you are good at playing tennis, you must be good at playing badminton.”犯了哪种逻辑错误?( )

A. 仓促概括型
B. 错误原因型
C. 错误类比型
D. 盲目从众型

“Why are we here talking about animal rights since there are so many people suffering from starvation?”犯了哪种逻辑错误?( )

A. 错误原因型
B. 错误类比型
C. 盲目从众型
D. 转移注意型

“Violence among teenagers is caused by TV violence.”犯了哪种逻辑错误?( )

A. 仓促概括型
B. 错误原因型
C. 错误类比型
D. 非此即彼型

英语辩论型演讲技巧的三大秘籍L、U、E是指( )

A. Listening、Understanding、Expression
B. Listening、Understanding、Experience
C. Learning、Understanding、Expression
D. Learning、Understanding、Experience
