


The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Business.comprovidesmarkettradinginformation.
C. Business.comisagoodsourceofnationalandworldnews.
D. Therearemanyvideoclipsandpodcastsavailableonbusiness.com.

The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Peoplerarelytalktooneanotherthesedays.
B. Ratherthantalkingwithfamilymembers,weturntoTVorcomputers.
C. Insteadoftalkingonthetelephone,wesendtextmessages.
D. Intraveling,weignoreourcompanionstolistentomusic.

The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Teenagersgatheratmallstomeetfriends,eatfastfood,andsocialize.
B. Elderlypeopleoftenwalkamallsforexercise.
C. Mallsprovidespaceforcommunitygroupstostageevents.

The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Instead of working full-time, many of today’s employees work part-time with little job security and few benefits.
B. Unlike in years past, most people entering the workforce today will change jobs several times during their careers.
C. Rather than work for someone else, many of today’s workers hope to start their own businesses.
D. Job security and our ideas about work have changed dramatically in recent years.
