工程监理单位与被监理工程的施工承包单位以及建筑材料、建筑配件和设备供应单位有隶属关系或者其他利害关系的,应承担的法律责任为( )。
A. 责令改正,处5万~10万元的罚款
B. 责令改正,处10万~20万元的罚款
C. 责令改正,处50万~100万元的罚款
D. 降低资质等级或者吊销资质证书
E. 有违法所得的,予以没收
根据FIDIC合同条件的规定,承包商享有以下权利( )。
A. 拒绝接受指定分包商权
B. 提出索赔权
C. 终止受雇和暂停工作权
D. 提出仲裁权
A. 对
B. 错
1.a feeling of great anger or shock(n.)o_____2.reasonable and using or showing sensible thinking(adj.)s_____3.clearly separate(adj.)d_____4.shared or made by all the members of a group together(adj.)c_____5.to put sb. on a short list for a job or a prize(v.)s_____6.to represent or mean sth.(v.)d_____7.to include sth. as part of a group(v.)i_____8.to make a good combination with sb. or sth.(v.)c_____9.to not understand the correct meaning of sth. that sb. says or does(v.)m_____10.feeling doubt about sth.(n.)u_____11.to include a wide range of ideas, subjects,etc.(v.)e_____12.very unusual or surprising(adj.)s_____13.a feeling that sth. is not true or does not exist(n.)d_____14.to agree with sb. or have the same opinion as them(v.)c_____15.to say very strongly that you do not approve of sth. or sb.(v.)c_____16.the range of things that a subject, book, etc. deals with(n.)s_____17.in a reasonable way(adj.)s_____18.to admit or accept that sth. is true or that a situation exits(v.)a_____19.表情符号已经成为人们习惯使用互联网之后在交流方面最大的突破之一。Emojis have been one of the biggest communication _____ since people took to the Internet.20.据估计,人们在面对面交流的时候,有多达70%的意义是通过非语言线索传达的:面部表情、语调、身体语言及音调。There are _____ that as much as 70 percent of the meaning we derive from a face-to-face encounter with someone come from nonverbal cues: facial expressions, intonation, body language and pitch.21.语言专家注意到,表情符号背后的真正创新之处在于他们能够辅助人们在在线交流时表达出自己的意思。Language experts note that the real _____ behind emojis lies in their ability to help people online say what they mean.22.尽管人们大量使用表情符号,表情符号并不会取代语言。Try as people might, emojis aren’t here to _____ language.23.快速流行起来的东西通常会快速消失。Things that are quickly adopted have a _____ to quickly go away.24.表情符号天衣无缝地融入我们的交流之中。Emojis fit _____ into the way we communicate.25.我们每个人在虚拟环境中相互联系,而且我们正处于一场数字革命之中。We’re all _____ connected, and we’re in the midst of a digital revolution.