According to the rules of the game,______.
A. the queen is the strongest piece on the board
B. the king had to be attacked all the time
C. the queen could move more than one square at a time
D. the king could not move anywhere
A. 卓(zhuō)著 质(zhǐ)量 褒(bǎo)义词 因噎(yē)废食
B. 比较(jīào) 恫吓(hè) 着(zhuó)重号 熠熠(yì)生辉
C. 处(chù)理 恪(kè)守 嘹(līào)望哨 刚愎(bì)自用
D. 供(gōng)应 参与(yǔ) 骨(gǔ)子里 装聋(lóng)作哑
A. doubt
B. place
C. favor
D. charge
Thousands of____at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstanding performance.
A. audience
B. participants
C. spectatxbrs
D. observers
A. away
B. round
C. out
D. down