





[音频]Smart folks are a dime a dozen. What truly matters is creativity. As Albert put it, “Imagination is more important than 1)____________”.Einstein rebelled against rote learning and that 2)__________ helped make him the genius that he was. Likewise, our success as a nation will be 3)___________not just by how well our schools teach the 4)__________ and periodic tables but by how well they 5)___________ imagination and creativity.The assertion that Einstein failed Maths as a child is, to the 6)_____________ of bad students, not true. But he was slow in learning to talk. That was combined with a cheeky rebelliousness towards 7)____________, which led one schoolmaster to send him packing and another to amuse history by declaring that he would never amount too much.These 8)_________ made Einstein the patron saint of distracted schoolchildren everywhere. But they also helped to make him the most creative scientific 9) ________ of modern times.His cocky contempt for authority led him to question received 10)_________ And as for his slow verbal development, it led him to think in pictures and to observe with wonder the everyday 11)__________ that others took for granted.His unwillingness to yield to authority meant that he alienated all of his professors at Zurich Polytechnic. As a result, he was the only 12)________ in his section who was not offered a junior professorship. He struggled to find work, finally landing on a stool at the Swiss patent office in Bern as a third-class 13) ________. But lest we feel sorry for him, the job allowed him to do thought experiments and 14) ________ him to question conventional wisdom, unlike the wealthy assistants in the 15) ________.
