[音频]Dialogue One:Jane Smith: Mr. Brown, (1)_________Mr. Fred Miller to you. Mr. Miller is our (2)_____________.Mr. Brown: How do you do? (3)_____________, Mr. Miller.Mr. Miller: vI am pleased to meet you too, Mr. Brown.
[音频]Dialogue Two:Jack: Susan, (1)____________________my co-worker, Collin Beck.Collin, (2)________________Susan Palmer.Susan: Nice to meet you, Mr. Beck.Collin:(3)________________. Just call me Collin.
[音频]Dialogue Three:Fred: Sue,(1)____________________Bob. He'll be working with us on the marketing project.Sue: (2)____________________make your acquaintance, Bob.Bob:(3)____________________. .
[音频]Dialogue Four:David Smith: Hello,(1)____________________..Jane Brown: No, I don't think we have.David Smith: I'm David Smith.(2)______________Relaxing Cruise Travel Company.Jane Brown: Nice to meet you too.(3)______________Jane Brown and (4)____________Biotrips Travel Agency..