A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
说明:假设你是办公室秘书王晓红。你接到约翰·史密斯(John Smith)先生的来电,他的电话号码为021-77542**1,传真号码为021-7754**43。你接电话的时间是6月20日上午9点。史密斯先生要你转告安·泰勒(Ann Taylor)女士以下内容:1)你所需要的资料都已准备好了,请告诉史密斯先生需要打印多少份,他什么时间派人去取。2)他们公司打算举办一个培训班,想邀请你作一个有关电子商务的发言。Important MessageFor:1From:2Time:3 Date:4Tel No. 021-77542**1 Fax:5Please call □Returned your call ■Will call again □Urgent ■Message:The 6 you need are all ready. Please tell Mr. Smith how many 7 are needed and when he should send men to fetch them.Their company is planning to hold a 8 course and would like to invite you to deliver a 9 about e-commerce.Taken by: 10