
听力原文:W: Why, Peter! You are sweating heavily. Where have you been?
M: I've just been to the Fitness Centre to learn Street dance.
W: What is street dance?
M: Street dance is a newly emerged way of keeping fit. It was introduced into China in 1999.
W: Why do you choose Street dance?
M: I found that this class is the most interesting.
W: Oh really? Tell me more about it.
M: Well, Street dance uses its music, its basic movements, and also its freedom for self-expression.
W: It sounds like an aerobics class.
M: Not exactly. The participants and the instructor are dressed in their ordinary casual wear. Moreover, the music they use is not the dancing music that an aerobics class usually uses.
W: s that the main differences from normal aerobics?
M: No, Street dance is a lot more tiring.
W: Does it mean you feel like you've been tired out?
M: Ha, no. I think it is a good way to relax.
W: Is there any age or skill level limit for entering?
M: No. In our class, the youngest student is 15 and the oldest is 50. And everyone can choose whatever difficulty level he or she wants to.
W: Sounds interesting. I'll go with you next time.

A. How to lose weight.
B. Street dance.
C. Exercising in a gym.
Dancing music.


M: Oh, why? There are so many museums, art galleries and restaurants in Washington, I'd be happy there no matter what the weather is like.
Q: What does the man mean?

A. He dislikes museums and galleries.
B. He does not care about the hot weather.
C. Going to the beach is the best choice.
D. He doesn't want to go to Washington.


A. 某溶液的导电性能不如金属,又不是绝缘体。所以这种溶液是半导体
B. 干燥的木块不导电,将木块弄潮湿后开始导电,但导电性能远不如铝、铜等金属。因此,“潮湿将木块由绝缘体变为半导体”的说法是错误的
C. 汞的导电性大大小于铝、铜、铁等金属材料,所以,汞是半导体物质
D. 在纯结晶状态的硅中掺入某些元素原子后,会由不导电变为导电,但它在某一个方向导电比另一个方向容易些,而且导电能力受电压等外界因素影响大。这些导电性能不如金属,所以,是硅半导体物质



A. 投资额→产品价格→经营成本
B. 产品价格→投资额→经营成本
C. 投资额→经营成本→产品价格
D. 经营成本→投资额→产品价格
