
中国民主革命的基本问题是( )

A. 武装斗争问题
B. 党的建设问题
C. 无产阶级领导权问题
D. 农民问题


新民主主义三大法宝是( )

A. 统一战线
B. 武装斗争
C. 党的建设
D. 群众路线

Role 2. Suppose you are Mr. Pan. Before the meeting with Mr. Parker, something unexpected happened, so that you cannot keep the appointment. Now you are going to call to change the appointment with Mr. Parker. Try to complete the following dialogue according to the contexts.P: Hello, Parker speaking. Who is calling?P: Good morning, Mr. Parker. This is Pan_____________P: What happened?P:____________P: When will you be back to China?P: _______________________P: Do you mean to cancel the appointment?P: _______________________P: What time do you suggest?P: _______________________P: I don’t know. I need to check my schedule first. I’ll call you later to confirm the reschedule.P: _______________________P: It’s OK. That happens!


A. 免疫系统
B. 神经系统
C. 骨酪系统
D. 肌肉系统
E. 感官系统


A. 艾滋病病人
B. 艾滋病病毒感染者
C. 窗口期
D. 健康携带者
E. HIV病原携带者
