
What is the most common religion inNew Zealand?

A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Buddhism
D. Judaism


New Zealanders speak English with a distincitv ___ accent.

A. British
B. New Zealand
C. Irish
D. Scottish

The following ___ are the volcanic mountains in the North Island.

A. Ruapehu
B. Mt Cook
C. Ngaurohoe
D. Tongariro

The following ___ are the reasons for the uneven distribution of the population ofNew Zealand.

A. the concentration of mineral resources in the North
B. the milder climate in the North
C. the expansion of North Island industries
D. the availability of land suitable for specialized farming

岁时节日是人们为了适应( )所创制的一种人文时间。

A. 自然时季变化
B. 农业生产节奏转换
C. 人类社会生活节奏
D. 天象星象变化
