(Unit2-TextA2)Translation:如果我们还学了人文学科,那我们就能突破许多障碍,只要我们愿意付出努力,敢于想象。If we include studying the humanities, we can ____on many barriers and are ____only by our effort and imagination.
(Unit2-TextA2)Translation:我们每个人都需要尽可能变得技能化、职业化,以满足现代生活的需要。Each one of us needs to become as ____and____skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life
(Unit2-TextA2)Translation:人文学科帮助造就全面发展的人,这些人具有洞察力,并理解全人类共有的激情、希望和理想。The humanities help to create____human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams ____to all humanity.
(Unit2 TextA-1)Please write down the parenthesis (插入语) in the following sentence.____The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment.
(Unit2 TextA-1)Question: What is the “unconscious mind” according to Sigmund Freud? (Para. 4)Answer: The inner forces that drive some people to ____and others to ____.