听力原文:Woman: Hello, Executive Catering Services, Anna speaking. How can I help you?
Man: Hello Anna, this is Julian Russell from Family Holidays. I wondered if you could do some catering for us next week. We're having a small reception - it's to launch a new advertising campaign. Would you be free?
Woman: When exactly is it, Mr Russell?
Man: Next Thursday - that's May the second.
Woman: Oh yes, I can do that. Where will you be holding it?
Man: We thought we'd have it at Head Office and use the Boardroom because there's enough room for everyone there.
Woman: OK. What sort of things would you like?
Man: Just a light lunch, I think, so that people can eat while they move around and talk to each other. You did something similar for us last year - we'd be happy to have the same menu again.
Woman: Right, I'll look in my diary and see what you had. Oh, I nearly forgot to ask you, how many should I cater for?
Man: Well, I think most people will be able to come. Perhaps around 25. No, let's say 30 to be sure.
Woman: Right. Thank you for getting in much, Mr Russell, I'll send you confirmation of the arrangements by the end of the week and then I'll...
?You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.
?Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below.
?After you have listened once, replay each recording.
Conversation One
?Look at the form. below.
?You will hear a man making a request for catering.
Booking made by: Julian Russell
Company: Family Holidays
Event: Launch of new (1)______
Date: (2) ______
Location: Head Office, in the (3)______
Number attending: (4) ______
李某系某国有外贸公司经理,1998年因涉嫌犯罪被捕,李某具有以下涉案事实:1995年6月,在一外贸业务中,李某轻信外商,擅自变更结算方式,使公司数百万元货物导致国家利益遭受特别重大的损失。1996年3月,李某未经集体研究,将公司的钱借给好友吴某主管的某运输公司(集体企业),98年案发时,尚有80余万元未归还。1997年底,吴某为表感谢,送1万元给李某作为"过节费"。 1996年5月,张某之子因寻衅滋事被捕,张某托李某帮忙疏通关系,李某提出要花3万元。张某给李某4万元,言明1万元作为李某的"辛苦费",李某遂将3万元送给其认识的办案人员,使张某之子罪责得以开脱.根据以上案情,回答下列问题: