
What are traditional stores worried about()

A. They worry that they are not good at using the computer
B. They worry that e-commerce will completely take place of traditional stores
C. They worry that growing e-commerce will shrink their share of market
D. They worry that they have to change their jobs


Which of the following is not a variation of the e-tailer business model()

A. bricks-and-clicks
B. virtual merchant
C. market creator
D. manufacturer-direct

Which of the following belong to major types of e-tailers()

A. virtual merchant
B. bricks-and- clicks
C. manufacturer-direct
D. Community providers

The growth of social e-commerce is driven by___()

A. social sign-on
B. network notification
C. integrated social commerce tools
D. sharing of products, services, and content on social accounts

The Reinvention period is characterized by___()

A. local economy
B. user-generated content
C. viral marketing
D. disintermediation
