
Parents speak loud in teacher selection in their child's early learning because______.

A. it is torturing to wait for news of classroom assignments
B. they consider it great to be a teacher in basic education
C. they are used to directing nearly all aspects of their child
D. it is custom to meet and argue with the school principle


How does Mark Friedman respond to parents' requests to choose teachers?

A. He blames them.
B. He cheats them.
C. He promises to consider them.
D. He promises to satisfy them.


A. 中文
B. 葡萄牙文
C. 大三巴牌坊
D. 五星
E. 大桥 F.海水


A. 随着产量的增加而上升,且数值小于平均成本
B. 随着产量的增加而上升,且数值大于平均成本
C. 随着产量的增加而下降,且数值小于平均成本
D. 随着产量的增加而下降,且数值大于平均成本


A. 用例图
B. 类图
C. 对象图
D. 部署图
