使中国人民第一次直接感受到社会主义在本质上不同于帝国主义的事件是( )。
A. 十月革命建立了列宁领导的苏维埃政府
B. 苏俄宣布放弃旧俄在国外的一切特权
C. 20世纪20年代初的第一次中国工人运动高潮
D. 国民党第一次全国代表大会胜利召开
______________determine the basic principles of culture by providing the context within which a society's norms are established and justified, while______________refers to the social regulationsthat dominate people's actions toward one another.
The fundamental elements of culture include______________,_______________,______________and___________.
Basic to every society is its social structure, the overall framework that determines the role of______________within the society,the stratification of the society and__________within the society.