
[音频]Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with what you hear.


[音频]2. People often feel fights are normal in marriage and family relationships but difficult to accept in friendship. This can cause friends to ___________ too fast on their relationship when trouble ___________.

[音频]3. Studies show that having a friend ___________ can reduce worry during a difficult experience. “Our bodies ___________that they don’t have to respond so much to danger if someone is there to help,” says a researcher in psychology.

气缸、气缸体和气缸盖常见的损伤形式有( )。

A. 裂纹
B. 变形
C. 磨损
D. 断裂

气缸盖裂纹产生的原因有( )。

A. 设计、制造中的缺陷
B. 冷却水中未添加防冻液
C. 高温下突加冷水或低温下突加热水
D. 安装不当
E. 气缸套过盈量太大
