You are the network administrator for ExamSheet.net. You administer ExamSheet’s Windows 2000 network. Computers on the network run Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 98. Ten Windows 2000 Professional computers are located in the research department. The users of the Windows 2000 Professional computers run legacy applications which are not certified for Windows 2000. These applications will not run for those users who only have User rights on the computers. You want to uniformly grant the users of these computers with the least possible administrative rights and still allow them to run the applications. What should you do? ()
A. On the research computers user the Local Computer Policy to disable theAccess this computer from the networkoption.
B. Apply the Compatws.inf security template to the research computers.
C. Apply the Hisecws.inf security template to the research computers.
D. On the research computers configure the computer default security settings to prevent anonymous access.
You administer a Windows 2000 Professional desktop computer. TKPrinter1 is a printer used by the engineering and research departments. The printer is shared from the Windows 2000 Professional computer that you administer. The engineering department frequently prints documents that are several pages in length, which takes a long time to print. Users in the research department who have small files to print often must wait a long time for their jobs to print. You want to reduce the time it takes for the user in research department to print their files. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort. What should you do?()
A. Monitor the print queue, and raise the priority of all the print jobs that are sent by users who are not members of the engineering department.
B. Delete the old printer. Add a new printer, and set the priority to a higher value. Pause the print queue only when the engineering print jobs are printing.
Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 1. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.
D. Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 70. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.
女,27岁,已婚,G3P0,因停经35周,宫高腹围明显大于同孕龄孕妇,于2006年4月25日1OAM入院。 病人LMP2005年8月23日。停经40天出现早孕反应,3个月后消失。妊娠4个多月感胎动至今。妊娠6个月首次产前检查,测血压90/65mmHg。近1个月感腹部较同期怀孕的其他妇女明显增大,体重急剧增加,不能平卧,气促。 体格检查:T37℃,P100次/分,R20次/分,BP120/80mmHg,心率100次/分,律齐,有2级收缩期吹风样杂音,双下肢及腹壁凹陷性水肿。产科情况:腹部膨隆大于妊娠月份,子宫底剑下1横指。腹壁皮肤发亮,变薄,触诊感皮肤张力大,有液体震荡感。胎方位扪不清;胎心音遥远,隐约可听见149次/分。 实验室检查:Hb98g/L,WBC9.5×10/L,,N0.75,L0.25,PLT126×10/L,尿蛋白(-)。
甲用英文将自己在加拿大多年的生活经历整理成小说《望乡》之后,于2001年11月和中国大陆A出版社签定了关于该作品英文版的为期18个月的专有出版合同,约定合同从2002年3月开始履行。小说出版以后,产生了较大反响。甲在中国大陆B出版社工作的朋友乙为方便读者在未能和甲取得联系的情况下将其翻译成中文,并交由B出版社于2002年8月加以出版。丙发现该中文译本后,觉得对中国学生很有教育意义,即将其改编成电影剧本,由C电影制片厂拍成电影。该电影上映时,正值甲回国省亲,发现后即将乙、丙、B出版社和C电影制片厂告上法庭,要求被告停止侵权并赔偿经济损失。 在甲和B出版社、C电影制片厂之间,有关侵权事实的认定,应由谁承担举证责任?