
His influence over union members has ______ since his failure to strive higher wages for them.

A. destroyed
B. lowered
C. depressed
D. declined



A. 结束当时
B. 1周
C. 4周
D. 3周
E. 2周

According to the passage, a harmless revenge is ______.

A. to react to those who bother you
B. to amuse the victim
C. to prevent one from disturbing others
D. to hurt nobody emotionally

The author of the passage seems to be ______.

A. against future Changes in our life style
B. positive about our present situation
C. serious and hopeful in seeing a shift from the emphasis on economical progress to a better awareness of the nature
D. sorry for a decrease in defense expenditure


A. 急性应激
B. 非甾体类消炎药
C. 胆汁反流
D. 幽门螺杆菌感染
E. 自身免疫异常
