
According to the article, which of the following is used the most?

A. Words
B. Posters
D. Telephones


Responding to the needs of an aging population, Health Network, Inc. of Melbourne and Futura Computing of Perth Amboy have agreed to cooperate in the development of handheld, computerized products to help the elderly monitor their health. It is widely accepted in the health-care field that patients who participate in monitoring their health status enjoy healthier lives. They are more aware of the factors affecting their health and are better-informed participants in making decisions regarding their health care. It is expected that these products will go a long way toward improving the health of senior citizens.
The cost of these products to the individual consumer will be covered under most insurance plans. They will be made available free or at reduced cost to low-income senior citizens who qualify according to government guidelines.
Who would most likely read this announcement?

A. Lawyers
B. Health-care professionals
C. Word processors
D. Teachers

Which of the following is NOT a part of this agreement?

A satellite system
B. Communication between aircraft
C. A system of voice and data communication
D. Ticketing service

会计核算软件按照不同的适用范围可分为自主开发会计核算软件和委托开发会计核算软件。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

When we speak or write, we are using words to communicate our ideas and feelings. It is essential for people to use words effectively in order to communicate clearly. Although words may seem straightforward, they are as subject to misinterpretation as any other form. of communication.
Pictures can be a quite powerful form. of communication. You will understand this if you think of any great work of art. Businesses can successfully use pictures in posters, charts, signs, and packaging. When combining words and pictures, the design should be carefully planned out. The pictures used on posters and charts, as well as in brochures and advertisements, should complement rather than conflict with the words.
Action is an important form. of communication that we are often unaware of. As the adage says, "Actions speak louder than words." This medium is most important when dealing face-to-face with employees, colleagues, and clients. A frown, a handshake, a wink, and even silence all have meaning and people will attach significance to these actions. Just as it is important to choose our words carefully, it is also important to be aware of our actions and of how they may be perceived by others.
What is the main topic of the article?

A. Marketing
B. Communication
C. Actions
D. Businesses
