The_______statement is used to make simple decisions in Java.该语句用于在Java中做出简单的决定.
A. do/while
B. for
C. branch
D. if
A Boolean expression is one that is either:布尔表达式是以下之一:
A. true or false
B. x or y
C. Positive or negative积极 或 消极
D. None of the above 以上都不是
This type of operator determines whether a specific relationship exists between two values:这种类型的运算符确定两个值之间是否存在特定关系
A. Logical 逻辑运算
B. Mathematical 算术运算
C. Unary 一元运算
D. Relational 关系运算
Which of the following expressions will determine whether x is less than or equal to y?以下哪个表达式将确定x小于或等于y?
A. x > y
B. x =< y
C. x <= y
D. x >= y
Which one of the following is the not equal operator? 以下哪一项是不等于运算符
A. <>
C. *&
D. !=