A. 发布公告,以便使破产债权人,破产债务人,其他利害关系人以及社会了解企业的破产情况,同时告知债权人重新申报债权,登记债权的期限
B. 组织成立清算组,清算组负责破产财产的保管,清理,估价,处理和分配,并可以依法进行必要的民事活动
C. 由债权人向人民法院申请重新登记债权
D. 审查有关债权的证明材料
E. 确认债权的性质及其数额
A. 洗涤法也称吸收法,是通过适当比例的液体吸收剂处理气体混合物,完成沉降、降温、聚凝、洗净。中和、吸收和脱水等物理化学反应,以实现气体的净化。洗涤法是一种常用的净化方法,在工业上已经得到广泛的应用。它适用于净化CO、SO2、NOx、HF、SiF4、HCl、Cl2、NH3。还有如冶金行业的焦炉煤气、高炉煤气以及Hg蒸气、酸雾、沥青烟及有机蒸气等
B. 吸附法是使有害气体与多孔性固体接触,使有害物黏附在固体表面上。当吸附质在气相中的浓度低于吸附剂上的吸附质平衡浓度时,或者有更容易被吸附的物质达到吸附表面时,原来的吸附质会从吸附剂表面上脱离而进入气相,从而可以实现有害气体的吸附分离
C. 袋滤法是粉尘通过过滤介质受阻,而将固体颗粒物分离出来的方法。在袋滤器内,粉尘将经过沉降、聚凝、过滤和清灰等物理过程,实现无害化排放。袋滤法是一种高效净化方法,主要适用于工业气体的除尘净化
D. 静电法是粒子在电场作用下,带荷电后,粒子向沉淀极移动,带电粒子碰到沉淀极即释放电子而呈中性状态附着在集尘板上,从而被捕捉下来,完成气体净化的方法。静电法分为干式净化工艺和湿式净化工艺,或为卧式和立式
听力原文:F: So, how are things going, Tom?
M: Well, to be honest, I was feeling great on Saturday, but I started to feel sick Sunday afternoon. 1 thought I'd get better, but I feel worse than before. And I'm really worried because I'm scheduled to give a presentation at work on Friday, so I have to be better by then.
F: Well, what seems to be the problem?
M: Well, I thought I had the flu, but the doctor said it was just a had cold. He gave mc some cold medicine to take care of my stuffy nose and fever. I'm supposed to take the medicine three times a day after eating, but it doesn't seem to help. He also told me to stay off my feet for day or so, but I'm so busy these days.
F: Listen, forget about that medicine! I have just the thing to get rid of bad colds. You see, my mom is really into herbal medicine.
M: Oh, no, thanks.
F: Ah, come one! Give it a try. You just make some of mom' s herbal tea and drink it four times a day. Believe mc. you'll be up and dancing around in no time
M: Dancing around in no time, right? Well, I guess. Nothing else seems to be doing the job.
F: Great, I’ll come by your place at 7:30. see you then.
What' s the matter with the man?
A. He has a cold.
B. He has the flu.
C. He has a stomachache.
D. He has a headache.
A. 可燃性气体、蒸气和气溶胶的浓度超过爆炸下限(LEL)的10%。
B. 空气中爆炸性粉尘;浓度达到或超过爆炸下限的30%
C. 空气中氧含量低于20%或超过30%
D. 空气中有害物质的浓度超过工作场所有害因素职业接触限值,其他任何含有有害物浓度超过立即威胁生命或健康(IDLH)浓度的环境条件
Who was to blame for starting the Cold War? For nearly a generation after World War II, American historians generally agreed that the suspicious and grasping Soviets were almost solely responsible. This "Orthodox"(正统的) appraisal fitted comfortably with the traditional view of the United States as a God-blessed land with an idealistic foreign policy. But in the 1960s another interpretation began to flower, powerfully reinforced by an objection against what Americans were doing in Vietnam. People who held this view attempted to reverse the orthodox view. They argued that the Soviets had understandably defensive intentions at the end of World War II and that the United States had behaved aggressively and irresponsibly. Some of these critics pointed an accusing finger at Truman. They declared that he had abandoned Roosevelt' s conciliatory (调和的) approach and adopted a bullying attitude, emboldened by American's atomic monopoly. The more radical of those people like the Kolkos found the roots of American aggression before Truman's time in long-standing policies of economic expansion.
In the 1970s a "neoorthodox" interpretation emerged. Historians of this school, like John L. Gaddis, still place most of the blame for the Cold War on the Soviet Union, but they admit that American policies helped worsen the conflict. They also note how the constraints of domestic politics and the miscalculations of American leaders led a nation in search of international security into dangerous Cold War.
This historical debate over the origins of the Cold War has compelled the recognition that the United States did have vital interests at stake in postwar diplomacy, and that policymakers pursued those interests with eagerness. But is self- interest necessarily immoral? Is security a one-way street? Can the blame ever be exclusively with one side in a complex international dispute?
A title that would best express the main idea of the passage would be______.
A. The Origins of the Cold War
B. Who Should be Blamed
C. A Complex International Dispute
D. American Foreign Policy