
The export letter of guarantee provides assurance that______.

A. the buyer will perform. his contractual obligations
B. the seller will perform. his contractual obligations
C. the bank will take over the contract if there is a problem
D. none of the above


A special crossing consists of______.

A. the name of a bank
B. two parallel transverse lines
C. the word "not negotiable"
D. all of the above

A L/C that enables the buyer to pay for the goods after a period of time indicated in the

A. time L/C
B. usance L/C
C. acceptance L/C
D. deferred payment L/C


A. 0.0001
B. 0.0005
C. 0.0002
D. 0.0004
E. 0.0003


A. 国务院裁决
B. 全国人大常委会裁决
C. 地方性法规
D. 部门规章
