Which are the key elements of a narrative (记叙文).
A. Wh0
B. When
C. Where
D. What
E. Why
F. How
A narrative is often written in the _____ person (人称).
A. first
B. second
C. third
0.10 mol/L的弱酸溶液的pH值是:
A. 小于1
B. 等于1
C. 大于1
D. 不能确定
有反应:HA + HB = H2B+ + A- ,则最强的酸、碱是:(最强酸,最强碱)
A. HA , A-
B. H2B+ , HB
C. H2B+ , A-
D. HA , HB
某弱酸HA在浓度为0.50 mol/L时离解度为10%,则浓度为0. 05 mol/L的该酸的离解度为:
A. 10%
B. 1%
C. 大于10%
D. 小于10%