【判断题】针对低碳钢的电阻焊来讲:低碳钢塑性温度区宽,比较容易获得塑性变形,不需要施加很高的电极压力。( )
【判断题】不锈钢导热率很低,电阻率高,所以常采用小电流、短时间焊接,焊接功率小,不会造成不锈钢焊件表面过热,能获得高质量的焊点。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Discount stores typically fall into the ________ group with respect to margins and volume.
A. low-volume, mixed-markup
B. low-volume, low-markup
C. high-volume, low-markup
D. high-markup, lower-volume
Which of the following wholesaler functions reduces inventory costs and risks to suppliers and customers?
A. selling and promoting
B. warehousing
C. transportation
D. market information
Electronic shopping is a form of direct marketing.
A. 对
B. 错