若在一个8位计算机中完成x–2y,假定变量x和y的机器数用补码表示为[x]补=44H,[y]补= DCH,则x–2y的机器数及相应的溢出标志OF分别是( )。
A. 68H、1
B. 8CH、0
C. 68H、0
D. 8CH、1
A. D2
B. 52
C. E9
D. 69
整数 x 的补码为 1101 1000,分别对 x 进行逻辑右移 1 位和算术右移 1 位操作,得到的机器数分别是( )。
A. 1110 1100,1110 1100
B. 0110 1100,1110 1100
C. 1110 1100,0110 1100
D. 0110 1100,0110 1100
How can we speak English in a fast and fluent way?
A. by using idioms
B. by using fixed collocation
C. by using linking or liaison
D. by using omission
What is linking?
A. It is a phenomenon of joining the words together.
B. It is a phenomenon of omitting some words.
C. It is a phenomenon of stressing some words.
D. It is a phenomenon of borrowing some words.