Complete the e-mailaccording to the given information.Date: June 11From: salesJohn@163.comTo: Jackgao@126.comSubject: 1._____________________(关于产品咨询)Dear Mr. Gao,2.__________________________. (感谢您6月10日的来信。)As you requested, I will send you a copy of our product catalog by SF express today. 3.____________________________________________(如有更多问题,请随时与我联系。)Thank you again for your interest in our product.4.________________________________________(期待近期能收到您的订单)Sincerely,John Smith5.___________(销售经理)
A. 氢氧化铜
B. 三氯化铁溶液
C. 溴水
D. 水
医药上常用的消毒剂“煤酚皂”溶液(来苏儿)主要成分是( )
A. 苯酚
B. 2,4,6-三溴苯酚
C. 2,4,6-三硝基苯酚
D. 甲苯酚
可用来鉴别伯醇、仲醇和叔醇的试剂是( )
A. 过氧化物
B. 卢卡斯试剂
C. 酸性高锰酸钾
D. 酸性重铬酸钾