5.小学语文课堂学习评价语应做到 ( )。
A. 评价语要丰富
B. 巧妙运用体态语言
C. 评价语要充满真情
A. 对
B. 错
Exercise 31. She should __________ (让位于) a younger, more decisive leader.2. It _________ (渐渐明白) me that something like honesty and loyalty to society was very important in our lives.3. She never _________ (未做;未履行)phone his mother on her birthday.4. He sat down and soon _____________ (专注于) the newspaper.5. He ______________ (意识到) his shortcomings after several failures.
A. 肋骨骨髓炎
B. 肋骨结核
C. 非特异性肋软骨炎
D. 肋软骨结构不良
E. 肋软骨肉瘤