
Through long-term comparisons of grades as well as of commitment to school between working and non-working students, the research finds that the students who worked 20 hours or more weekly had lower scores, cut class more often, and became less __________ to school. Besides, more __________ students are more likely to work longer hours, and _________. But once they withdraw from work or ________ on their work hours, their commitment to school is renewed.The research comes up with some contributors to such effects. For one thing, working students have less time to devote to school. So they ___________ by taking easier classes or refusingto do homework. For another, working students are too tired from work to focus their minds on study. And worst of all, their interest in study is ________ bit by bit, ________ their desire to earn big money grows stronger and stronger, thus enabling them to turn to so much drugs and alcohol for recreation as to speed up their ______________from school.To reverse the trend, the author makes it clear that students should _________ to work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to reap success from school. And above all, as the author points out, it’s time to ________ the myth that the great value of work takes form in our formative years.


1. 感情问题有可能严重干扰学习成绩。2.正如医学研究证实,凡影响心理健康的肯定会影响身体健康。3.我们常为社交应酬所累,这正是我们需减少此类应酬的原因所在。4.要在同学中出类拔萃的秘诀不是在学习上草率行事,而是要竭尽全力。5.起初,他们彼此没有好感;但渐渐地前嫌尽释。


A. 中心投影
B. 点投影
C. 斜投影
D. 正投影

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